Brad and Dave discuss the reasons behind starting a podcast, the history of Dave Smith Decoys and upcoming plans.
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I really like the idea of DSD pod cast. Maybe a couple pods on calling, when why and how would be a great tool for young and old goose hunters. Decoy placements, using wind to your advantage, reading birds since I think a lot of people don’t understand what that is and what to look for and or anything goose hunting related. Would like to hear how you use spectrometer for feather reflection. You can never stop learning to be a better goose hunter
Looking forward to the podcast, guys!
Brad & Dave, nice podcast.
I enjoyed it.
Looking forward to the next one and better yet that truckload coming my way!
Won’t be much longer until The DSD’s are doing the Talking……Again.
Great job for a first attempt ! Love how you guys covered the history and start up of DSD.
Got a few laughs out of the Duck Commander conversation ! One thing I think would be cool to broadcast once the season gets rolling would be sort of a weekly update on bird movement and bird volume for specific areas state wide. Its kind of frustrating hearing other hunters around say …” hunting sucks..we only killed 3 .. ” I always ask how many birds they saw, not how many they killed ! LOL or, were they low working birds or high migrators… ? Usually when talking to guys you don’t really know, “we only killed 3 ” means they are not very good hunters !! So having a reliable source of information on bird movement and bird concentrations would be something I think could be helpful for the not-so-novice duck and goose gunners. Thanks guys Keep up the good work !!!
I loved the Podcast . It’s nice listening to you guys and hearing your stories on how you got started.
I can’t wait to hear some episodes on Spring Turkey hunting . Try and get some turkey and deer hunting crossbow shooters on there. Keep it coming
Really enjoy Listening to the podcast! binged a bunch of episode over the last few days. Would Love to hear your Guys Take on Guides and Outfitters and if you have any recommendations for the Willamette Valley or out east in the Gorge! as a very casual bird hunter in the Portland area, hard to find decent place to hunt publicly so im curious about Guided Hunts as it sounds like you both have history guiding. Appreciate it!
Also Fun to hear your History at Nike and Fila as a current Nike employee!